Razor formatter

Razor formatter. Thanks everyone for your participation thus far! Allow Razor documents to be properly formatted. Repeated formats will add a new empty comment line. 2) and there's nothing new in Prettier output except ["INFO" - 18:21:08] Using bundled version of prettier. FormatValue("value", "format") The method signature is: FormatValue(object value, string format) Nov 15, 2014 · I'm having an issue formatting a simple string in Razor, I've verified that the syntax is correct in regular C# code, but once I migrate it to my HTML page using Razor and String. format, uncheck "Enable/disable default Razor formatter". Nov 2, 2020 · Once again, you can format the time by applying a format string to either a DisplayFormat attribute on the model property or via the asp-format attribute on the tag helper. Price. xml or Aug 3, 2018 · If anyone has formatting issues or requests, or indeed any other bug reports or feature requests, please feel free to log new issues for them. C# formatting Pure C# @code/@functions blocks (dotnet/aspnetcore#19037) @ {} blocks (#2445) Implicit Nov 6, 2011 · Use this code to format your date: @string. For example: Feb 26, 2020 · When auto-formatting code in a . DisplayFor(model => model. Indented, this will beautify our output by indenting it: {. Feb 9, 2024 · Enable CSS isolation. Navigate to File > Preferences (Code > Preferences or Code > Settings on macOS) > Settings ( ⌘, (Windows, Linux Ctrl+,)) to customize how your . css. I'm trying to write an object as JSON to my Asp. This means, that configuring the following general editor settings under Preferences > UserSettings, i. You could add this in your model, the currency symbol will be displayed anytime you reference that field. 0. With C# Formatter, you can easily enhance the quality of your code Apr 12, 2024 · Solution files use a unique format and aren't intended to be edited directly. 6 (released just before Christmas) is that it can now automatically infer your “tabs vs spaces” and “tab size” settings from Visual Studio Code into OmniSharp. Feb 11, 2024 · Formatting preferences listed on this page can be also configured visually, on the Code Editing | Razor CSharp | Formatting Style | Code Style page of ReSharper options Alt+R, O. Developer Community Apr 19, 2021 · After setting razor. theurlist. Razor is a markup syntax for embedding . balexandre. Open About. In Blazor, you use Razor to author reusable UI components in . It enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing, taking various rules into account. a simple hack for format razor documents. @JsonHelper. format to output correct Razor formatting of <text> contents. An formatter plugin for Prettier. Razor syntax is similar to the templating engines of various JavaScript single-page application Apr 8, 2020 · The Razor+ extension specifically provides "Improved Razor syntax colorization for VS Code," working with Razor and Blazor directives. Created by Bart Van Hoey, this tool is designed to speed up your Blazor development process by providing you with useful Blazor code snippets. Indented }) </pre>. I have following line @Model. For details, see the appendix Visual Basic Language and Syntax. By default, scope identifiers use the format b-{STRING}, where the {STRING} placeholder is a ten-character string generated by the framework. File encoding. It doesn't happen if file EOL is CRLF. Inside razor view I'm loading property using razor helper. Step 2: Select Indent with space or tabs drop down. - dotnet/razor Mar 1, 2024 · The purpose of assigning the log format via configuration is that the developer can change the log format easily via app configuration, as the following example demonstrates. CSharpier provides a few basic options that affect formatting and has no plans to add more. ext install esbenp. Select Terminal > New Terminal. css now have the proper indentation. ) A simple form with three input fields and a Submit button is displayed. prettier-vscode. Razor syntax completions that are smarter, such as completion and auto-complete, are now supported. For code pages such as c#, you could open code clean to save and start automatically, and it will be automatically formatted. Description) but that renders this formatted html like. ##Indent settings: Press CTRL + SHIFT + P. Tooling outside of Visual Studio can interact with solution files: The . C# Formatter is an online tool that helps you format your C# code and make it more readable and organized. NET Web Pages. g. Apr 26, 2015 · I am using razor syntax. Apr 11, 2023 · Show 3 more. Followed all the steps - disabled every extension, tried to use beatify and add in ascx in the html array, tried adding a formatter extension, and tried disabling the default html formatter = all failed. Formatting options for Razor (cshtml) and C# (cs) files. This setting is also applied in edit mode. I've noticed that the Razor <text> tag refuses to follow any formatting conventions. e. I used to have to press Ctrl-Z far too often, and if you forgot untangling the mess once your code was written and tested was a huge pain. FlatNumber ? "/ " + model. For example, formatting a number with currency, formatting a number with thousands-separators. Aug 3, 2018 · If anyone has formatting issues or requests, or indeed any other bug reports or feature requests, please feel free to log new issues for them. Can also be installed in VS Code: Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter. Feb 14, 2023 · There is one easy thing that we can do to format the serialized JSON: public override string ToString() {. return JsonConvert. Nov 16, 2018 · To try out the new Razor tooling, create a new ASP. You can use the DisplayFormat data annotation attribute on the model property to specify the format and ensure that the format also applies when the value is in "edit mode" (a form control): CSharpier Formatter for Visual Studio Code. : {. @Html. what I want is to use this html tags and display formatted like. I'm loading from database certain property which holds formatted html. Line breaks around Razor statements Property names: [resharper_]html_linebreaks_around_razor_statements, [resharper_]linebreaks_around_razor_statements. TAll) Another possibility if you don't want to do this on the view model you could also do The Razor team will be showing off the Visual Studio 2022 Razor Editor and answering your questions live. FormatValue, here is how to use it: @Html. . Parse(json); var formatted = jObj. cshtml files. For example, when formatting a cshtml document, I end up with code like the following: <p>Hello world</p>. cshtml) views. Repair VS (repair in VS Installer) Create a new project and check if the same problem occurs. Server. Actual behavior: Uncheck "Enable/Disable Default Razor Formatter", type "Ctrl K+F" and the jumbled lines can still be aligned. 20. Query("SELECT TOP(5) * FROM Table" ); Aug 22, 2012 · Decorate your view model property with the [DisplayFormat] attribute and specify the desired format: [DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:N}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)] public decimal TAll { get; set; } and then in your view: @Html. NET Core to only do this when in the Development environment for local troubleshooting and keep the bandwidth down in Production, as well In MVC Razor view, a decimal field is required to be displayed as percentage BUT without percentage sign. Encode(Model. To be honest in my opinion you should do formatting on server side. NET Framework, the file format provides the low-level programming language for writing code that is compiled to generate the final output Mar 1, 2024 · The Blazor framework provides built-in input components to receive and validate user input. However, the Razor syntax also supports the Visual Basic language, and everything you see you can also do in Visual Basic. It follows the Option Philosophy of prettier. cshtml. I try change language mode to Razor and it doesnt change. It can automatically adjust the spacing, indentation, and alignment of your code according to your preferences, which can save you a lot of time and effort. Currency format specifier (C) Show 11 more. sdf"); var getRss = db. JObject. Other wise you can use ternary operator. A standard numeric format string takes the form [format specifier][precision specifier], where: Format specifier is a single alphabetic character that specifies the type of number format, for example, currency or percent. Other . Another option is the use of display attributes with DisplayFor: [DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:d MMM \\'yy}")] public DateTime YourDateTime { get; set } We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Linq. If you have an HTML file, you can upload the file using the Upload file button. cshtml) file named "aspnetcorerazor". Jan 19, 2022 · Update: I've now setup my default formatter to be Prettier - Code formatter. By using a format-specific file extension such as . I solved it with the "Code Alignment" extension. AttributeValue, new Newtonsoft. 4k 46 234 345. Dec 1, 2021 · The new editor has enhanced formatting that can keep up with these changes, allowing code to remain visually consistent. By using code formatter and code beautifier tools, developers can save time and ensure that their code is consistent and readable. razor-formatter. Before save. In the Options dialog box, choose Text Editor > C# > Code Style > Formatting. JsonSerializerSettings() {. Format in MVC Razor view page. Tip. You can also upload HTML code with a public URL. Display Attributes: [DisplayFormat (DataFormatString = “ {0:yyyy-MM-dd}”, ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)] UI Display: Formats the date as “yyyy-MM-dd” (e. cshtml file extension. When JetBrains Rider produces new code with code completion and code generation Formatting and Linting. Indented); } In the ToString method of our Dog class, we pass one more parameter – Formatting. YourDateTime. ToString("c") Share Jan 26, 2021 · Better formatting: An improved formatting engine, more conservative than the old one and reportedly much smarter about how it handles code; C# code actions: Now available are "Add @using directives for fully qualified type names" and "Add null checks," with many more to be enabled as the editor's new design makes it easier to do solution Feb 6, 2023 · Open VS Code Settings, search razor. razor file, create a file alongside the component named Example. Server-based code can create dynamic web content on the fly, while a web page is written to the browser. I have already tried the obvious: Selecting the markup and hitting Ctrl+K and Ctrl+F. You can do this in one of two ways. Introduced by Microsoft for use with the . Nov 20, 2013 · Set to False. Install: 1) in extensions search for "razor-formatter" 2) press CTRL + P AND then enter command below and press enter: Installation. The Razor syntax consists of Razor markup, C#, and HTML. Razor is one of the view engines supported in ASP. Then select the lines and enter Ctrl K+F. Jan 29, 2018 · My desired format would look like this: 99. I've disabled format on save for the Dec 6, 2022 · There is not have any such capability in VS 2022 that automatically reformat HTML/Razor page. Format HTML. Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D works for all these pages. For an Example component in an Example. Turn on the relevant format settings to automatically format the file during symbol CSharpier is an opinionated code formatter for c#. Dec 17, 2021 · With Visual Studio 2022 (across multiple minor/patch versions) and ReSharper 2021. The current version was experimental in VS2019 and we had an option to turn it off. Execute("/Modules/ After save. I tried ctrl k + d and the CodeMaid extension (they work perfectly on other Visual Studio project types) but are useless on Blazor project files. Currently, there is a method of formatting only DateTime fields as shown below: May 1, 2015 · I removed the slash / from your format string and added a statement using a ternary operator (!string. Jun 30, 2022 · The Razor syntax is based on the C# programming language, and that's the language that's used most often with ASP. razor, make some lines un-aligned. NET Core MVC supports data exchange in Web APIs using input and output formatters. 74. HTML and . The SD Memory Card Formatter formats SD Memory Card, SDHC Memory Card and SDXC Memory Card (respectively SD/SDHC/SDXC Cards) complying with the SD File System Specification created by the SD Association (SDA). Execute(" /Modules/ Which can break the code. Set the log format to Long for all three log levels: . Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> HTML -> Advanced -> Format on Paste. The framework provides built-in input and output formatters for JSON and XML. Community Links: https://www. You have to scroll down to see the actual code so I'll copy it here: var db = Database. PotentialAttendees); </script>. cshtml). Property Type: DateTime. Users can either highlight the text they want to format and then use the formatter tool, or if no text is highlighted, the SQL formatter will format all text in the SQL editor. ContentType to "text/xml", and then you can just write your xml as if it was html. Set to False. Option 2: Or upload your HTML file. I just want to format a variable from a query and am a bit confused. The free online Nov 22, 2010 · Razor does a great job of knowing what you want to do when it's simple. OpenFile("Database. com/aspnet-st 2. IntelliSense and razor formatting is a mess in VS2022. Step 5: Once you see the output, click 'Copy' button to copy your formatted Html code. Given the following existing code: If I type Ctrl + K + D (format entire document), Visual Studio produces the following result: The HTML tags formatting is fine, but the Razor tags formatting is Jan 29, 2018 · The data from the database looks like this: 10000,99. Standard numeric format strings are used to format common numeric types. For example 2 or 2. When i install C# extension, it adds one more filetype which associated with (. var potentialAttendees = @Json. Razor is also found in Razor component files ( . Jun 10, 2021 · Change the fourth step to select the General option. Oct 4, 2023 · Sadly we do not surface any of this information to you, and its only by attaching a debugger to the Razor process, and formatting your actual . When the values are posted, the model binder successfully constructs DateTime types with the time portion set to midnight in the case of the date input's value, and the date This formatting is consistent in both display and edit modes. Net MVC View using Razor, like so: <script type="text/javascript">. 999,99. NET Core ships with the ability to make the JSON format as indented (aka “pretty print”) to make it more readable. I really hope they will fix it soon as it is really painful to work with. To define component-specific styles, create a . using string. vbhtml file extension and C# syntax has . NET web apps based on MVC, Razor Pages, and Blazor. Booking. Click on Extensions --> Manage Extensions --> Add "Code Alignment" by Chris McGrath. DisplayFor(x => x. The rest is quite straightforward. edited Oct 1, 2014 at 22:24. format string containing html. The problem is that in the output the JSON is encoded, and my browser doesn't like it. Oct 1, 2014 · If it is nullable then you will need Value @Model. ToString("c") The same can be used for simple ViewBag items, e. ToDateTime(Html. Click on the URL Button and Paste the URL. It was release on March 25, 2018, and last updated shortly after. 1123456 returned to my view. select "Razor Formatter Config". NET based code into webpages. Officially released on July 27, 2020, the Blazory extension is stable and also in active development. razor file (CTRL+K, CTRL+D), the indentation will disappear and an empty comment line will be inserted below the closing brace of an if statement or a foreach loop. May 17, 2013 · How do I display xml code samples from a razor view? 0. The printing process was ported from prettier but has evolved over time. 1 P1 Oct 6, 2021 allisonchou added blocked Blocked on a partner team external Scope involves an area outside of the repo labels Oct 7, 2021 You control this through the formatting of the time portion of the value passed to the control. The new Razor editor supports the most recent compiler capabilities while also improving current syntactic interactions. Indented); Jul 7, 2016 · For some odd reason, indentation broke. ToString("d MMM \\'yy") The \\ escapes the ', since that is a preserved character. then you can set indent size and indent characer. 5 rating from six developers. I would like to show it like $1,123,456 USD. code - r WebApp1. Inputs are validated when they're changed and when a form Razor is a markup syntax that lets you embed server-based code (Visual Basic and C#) into web pages. When a web page is called, the server executes the server-based code inside the page before it returns the page to the browser. String. Price Unfortunately it looks still like this: 99999. 1. IsNullOrEmpty(model. razor file for the component in the same folder. The Blazory extension is known for its elegance and ease of use. NET MVC. Files containing Razor generally have a . Note that this isn't specific to Razor template functions either, <text> blocks anywhere will do the same thing. Parse in combination with ToString(), since that hasn't been mentioned yet: var jObj = Newtonsoft. You can format your C# source code using the C# Dev Kit extension, a lightweight extension to enhance your C# development experience in Visual Studio Code. Note that the formatter will keep spaces and tabs between content tags such as div and span as it's considered to be valid content. Create a new website. To customize the scope identifier format, update the project file to a desired pattern: i make an extension for formatting razor document. Other tools inside of RazorSQL also format SQL, such as the generated SQL windows for tools allisonchou added bug Something isn't working feature-formatting labels Oct 1, 2021 allisonchou added this to To-do in 17. It is strongly recommended to use the SD Memory Card Formatter to format SD/SDHC/SDXC May 30, 2016 · Just like you normally would: @Model. Do you know how I can format that decimal? value correctly on my view? Is there also a solution without using a display template? Thanks!!! Jun 28, 2012 · Here is a part of a really early prototype of the Razor formatter (The code is far from perfect, just use it for testing). NET Core apps in Visual Studio, Visual Studio for Mac, and VS Code. Copy, Paste, and Beautify. (In WebMatrix, in the Files workspace, right-click the file and then select Launch in browser . This extension wraps js-beautify to format dotnet Razor files. css file matching the name of the . Expected behavior: Apr 11, 2023 · The JSON formatter returns a response with a body of null. trace to Verbose in order to have a Razor Log (to provide more information on where the issue would be, if logged), here are the results on three consecutive formatting requests: Format # 1 Sep 1, 2020 · I want to format razor (cshtml) files. You can make it run as a part of a git-hook to for example automatically format changed files on git commit. Search for Prettier - Code formatter. SerializeObject(this, Formatting. Clients can request a particular format as part of the URL, for example: In the query string or part of the path. Currently, it is tuned on by default. 3, I have a formatting issue with C# tags in Razor (. Format is painful in Razor, but you do have an Html. I have value e. Simplistic Visual Studio Code extension formatter for razor and blazor code file. In MVC and Razor Pages apps you use Razor to define the rendering logic for your views and pages using . 5. I am trying to render formatted JSON as HTML using Razor Templates. In the new terminal run: Copy. This extension makes use of the dotnet tool CSharpier to format your code and is versioned independently. ASP. NET CLI can create solution files and list/modify the projects in solution files via the dotnet sln command. This plugin adds support for razor files (Blazor code). Dec 3, 2022 · A date and time format string defines the text representation of a DateTime or DateTimeOffset value that results from a formatting operation. DateOfBirth. vs files. Formatting. Jul 7, 2015 · Open the HTML Viewer tool and Copy and Paste HTML Code into Input Text Editor, highlighting HTML syntax and issues. Click on the Run / View button once HTML data is available Feb 12, 2019 · Try to format it with "Shift + Alt + F" There is no document formatter for 'aspnetcorerazor'-files installed. At this point, if you click the Submit button, nothing happens. NET CLI commands use the path of the solution file for various publishing Compiler and tooling experience for Razor ASP. Clean up the program /project/VS cache, then restart VS and try again. 0. Install through VS Code extensions. JSON, but here's one more that uses JObject. Everything works great, except the one line with the if string isnull statement in it. razor files. Oct 29, 2019 · The Solution – Indented Formatting. Feb 11, 2024 · The options that you configure on this page apply in the following cases: When code is automatically formatted on editing or after pasting (you can toggle auto-formatting on the Editor | General | Typing Assistance page of JetBrains Rider settings Ctrl Alt 0S. Step 1: Copy paste your minified Html code to the "Copy paste your HTML code here" input box. 99. Indentation level. Oct 30, 2015 · It's true using string. There finally is; Csharpier! It was originally ported from the popular Prettier and it is just a code formatter for C#. CSharpier is an opinionated code formatter for c#. Jul 15, 2020 · Razor is a templating language based on HTML and C# used to define dynamic rendering logic for . A custom format string consists of 162. Razor view with visual basic syntax has . 158. To Reproduce. C# Formatter. Razor syntax has the following Characteristics: SD Memory Card Formatter 5. razor . With these settings I have no trouble in Visual Studio 2013. C# Beautifier App is an easy to use tool to format CSharp code. In the client-side app, add or update the appsettings. Format doesn't seem to work. But once it gets to the browser, it is all on one line and looks Apr 16, 2019 · I am looking into formatting strings and numbers using blazor-data-bindings. TotalCost How I can apply a string format on it to show a value like $1,123,456 USD? Nov 29, 2023 · Blazory. razor file, was I able to work it out. 001. My desired outpout should actually be: € 10. Format("{0:N0}", Model. In my razor View I use the property like this: @Model. At the time of this writing, it had been downloaded 23,365 times, earning an average 3. Mar 14, 2021 · How would it parse/format the c# code in a razor file? The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: 👍 14 lara-ec, kevinbourassahoule, bpugh, GravlLift, adamhathcock, audacity76, ShawnTheBeachy, Hona, Eivinddh, meenzen, and 4 more reacted with thumbs up emoji 👀 2 tanukihee and eharbitz reacted with eyes emoji Aug 7, 2012 · 21. dotnet new webapp -o WebApp1`. @ViewBag. Dec 10, 2019 · 1. [DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:C}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)] public decimal DebitAmount { get; set; } answered Dec 11, 2014 at 13:38. Format("{0:ddd}",Convert. razor. Razor allows you to write a mix of HTML and server-side code using C# or Visual Basic. Files with . The SQL formatter can be used by users inside of the RazorSQL SQL editor. It uses Roslyn to parse your code and re-prints it using its own rules. Jan 17, 2011 · MVC3 Razor - Formatting collection of strings. Amount) This works almost fine, though I get this result: € 10 000 which is wrong unfortunately. Input formatters are used by Model Binding. The project is cached in the solution/project folder,you need to delete the bin, obj and . 2 for SD/SDHC/SDXC. The built-in input components in the following table are supported in an EditForm with an EditContext. Apr 19, 2021 · Describe the bug Razor (cshtml) file formatting breaks in a very strange way when using LF end of lines. Further, we can leverage the Environment in ASP. Address. I am currently trying to do it like this: <pre>. I'm trying to format a phone number string from ##### to (###)###-#### so my code for this is Jul 10, 2013 · 5. , “1990-05-21”). razor files There are already a bunch of great answers here that use Newtonsoft. I will rewrite the code and also make it possible to specify an attribute to the returned model, so it can decide which view to be used when the media type is “text/html”, but by default the formatter will use convention: Feb 19, 2020 · Creating a Simple HTML Form. It provides a built-in output formatter for plain text, but doesn't provide Free Online Tools like Code Beautifiers, Code Formatters, Editors, Viewers, Minifier, Validators, Converters for Developers: XML, JSON, CSS, JavaScript, Java, C# Nov 1, 2023 · コードがあまり見られることがないために、Formatter の出番がないということです。 チームで VCS の導入をおすすめしますが、自身のコーディングだけでもスタイルへの意識配分をしなくて済むため Formatter を導入しましょう! Excel による管理例(見たくない! Apr 3, 2021 · 3. Possible values: Sep 11, 2014 · In which case the Razor expression in your view could be @Model. cs extension are source code files for C# programming language. In Counter. Json. ianaya89. cshtml) file. edited Jan 10, 2015 at 5:26. Step 3: Select wrap line drop down. C# formatting Pure C# @code/@functions blocks (dotnet/aspnetcore#19037) @ {} blocks (#2445) Implicit Jan 11, 2024 · To access this options page, choose Tools > Options from the menu bar. cs files are formatted. json file to include logging configuration. The Indentation, New Lines, Spacing, and Wrapping subpages each display a preview window at the bottom that shows the effect of each option. Step 4: Click Format Html button to beautufy your Html code. Ashbel. The XML formatter returns an empty XML element with the attribute xsi:nil="true" set. . SerializeObject(item. Create a new server side Blazor project; Put this markup in one of the . Jan 26, 2021 · The new Razor editor has an improved formatting engine that is more conservative than the old one (first, do no harm!), and is also much smarter about how it handles your code. It's independent of BOM-encoded file (tested this). Removing and re-adding the closing tag (usually resets indents) Going into Tools>Options>Text Editor> [insert language-or-all]>Tabs and setting them to smart. Output formatters are used to format responses. Display string in xml format in browser either using view or controller. The . 9. This online code formatter is capable of formatting code in various programming languages, including C, C++, Java, Python, C#, Objective-C, Protobuf, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, XML, CSS, JSON, and more. Option 1: Copy-paste your HTML here. That is not a good experience, but I'm not sure how we can make it better. Formatting = Newtonsoft. 5. ##Usage: The formatting rules are not configurable but are already optimized for the best possible output. Value. It can run from the command line and is not tied to an IDE nor an extension, although support for these exists as well. razor ). FlatNumber : "") This will check if the FlatNumber is null and, if not, use / followed by the FlatNumber or, if so, use just an empty string. The components in the table are also supported outside of a form in Razor component markup. This works fine if I right click and select Format Document, but when I save it insists in putting spaces in places like this. I understand it can be from model and it will be something like: [AutoMapIgnore] [DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:F1}")] public virtual decimal OffPeakMarginPercent { get { return OffPeakMargin * 100; } } May 23, 2017 · Basically you have to set the Response. It can also define the representation of a date and time value that is required in a parsing operation in order to successfully convert the string to a date and time. NET Core web app and then edit any Razor (. Launch the page in your browser. Open Visual Studio Code. BookingFromDate). ToString())) If your date field with required attribute then you don't want to validate null value. Disable Visual Studio code formatting in Razor. remember to restart vscode after save setting file. ItemPrice. ToString(Newtonsoft. css file is a scoped CSS file. Visual studio has a file association "Razor" file (. In my Razor view I currently use: @String. Mar 14, 2021 · Formatting on saving tsx works, but saving scss doesn't format anymore (since v6 update, works fine after rolling back to 5. Hot Network Questions Jan 16, 2017 · A cool new feature in Visual Studio Code C# extension 1. Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. ToString("G") that will work but bear in mind to check HasValue. To use the preview window, select a formatting option. Visual Studio Code Market Place: Prettier - Code formatter. Response format URL mappings. no decimal values and no , (comma) is allowed. In this section, the {Pages|Views} placeholder is either Pages for Razor Pages apps or Views for MVC apps. hb vj xg ql uf tj lb sn zy km